"Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Waters will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert." Isaiah 35:6
Monday, December 26, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Happy 29th Wedding Anniversary - December 18th 2011
My Dearest Miriam,
Happy 29th Wedding Anniversary my dearest and precious wife Miriam. Today, I turn to the Word of God for His Word best describes you.
Miriam, to live a life that counts, you abided by two principles in life. Obedience to God and service to others. You are indeed very different and very special. You are a gift of life. A gift from God. Your beautiful and infectious smile said it all. The words that came out of your mouth were always full of encouragement, wisdom,HEALING and love.
Proverbs 31: 10-31.Description of a Worthy Woman ( My Miriam )
10 An excellent wife, who can find?
For her worth is far above jewels.
For her worth is far above jewels.
11 The heart of her husband trusts in her,
And he will have no lack of gain.
And he will have no lack of gain.
12 She does him good and not evil
All the days of her life.
All the days of her life.
13 She looks for wool and flax
And works with her hands in delight.
And works with her hands in delight.
14 She is like merchant ships;
She brings her food from afar.
She brings her food from afar.
15 She rises also while it is still night
And gives food to her household
And portions to her maidens.
And gives food to her household
And portions to her maidens.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
From her earnings she plants a vineyard.
From her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She girds herself with strength
And makes her arms strong.
And makes her arms strong.
18 She senses that her gain is good;
Her lamp does not go out at night.
Her lamp does not go out at night.
19 She stretches out her hands to the distaff,
And her hands grasp the spindle.
And her hands grasp the spindle.
20 She extends her hand to the poor,
And she stretches out her hands to the needy.
And she stretches out her hands to the needy.
21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household,
For all her household are clothed with scarlet.
For all her household are clothed with scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for herself;
Her clothing is fine linen and purple.
Her clothing is fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is known in the gates,
When he sits among the elders of the land.
When he sits among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
And supplies belts to the tradesmen.
And supplies belts to the tradesmen.
25 Strength and dignity are her clothing,
And she smiles at the future.
And she smiles at the future.
26 She opens her mouth in wisdom,
And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
27 She looks well to the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children rise up and bless her;
Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:
Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:
29 "Many daughters have done nobly,
But you excel them all."
But you excel them all."
30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.
31 Give her the product of her hands,
And let her works praise her in the gates.
And let her works praise her in the gates.
29 incredible years. Thank you so much for marrying me and for raising our two wonderful boys. Warren and Howie have grown to be wonderful God-fearing and God loving young men. They continue to honor you and our Lord. Thank you for being a living example of what it means to live for Christ and to walk in the Spirit. I know you feel so helpless right now but I know, you continue to quietly pray deep inside as you have always done so all the days of your life. You bore and still bear every fruit of the Holy Spirit. You have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. You are truly an amazing woman, wife, mother, daughter and friend.
I am going to borrow some of the encouraging words your cousin Thanny wrote to Lulette's family. Thanny, I changed some of them for Miriam.
"It's difficult to see the purpose of suffering in this world. The only way to accept it is by faith. Faith is the evidence of things not seen and the substance of things hoped for. We are all praying for you everyday that you receive the faith and strength you need.
We should all realize that we are but Pilgrims here on earth. God's word tells us that :
Our days may come to seventy years,
or eighty, if our strength endures;
yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow,
for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
or eighty, if our strength endures;
yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow,
for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
(Psalms 90:10)
From the viewpoint of eternity, It does not matter how long we live here on earth, be it 30 or 100. This world is not our final home and we should all remind ourselves of this.
Many people live very long lives on earth but have never enriched the lives of others. You, however, have enriched everyone's lives with your presence and your relationship with family and friends. We have experienced living in heaven on earth because of you. Thank you so much.
Let me finish by quoting and paraphrasing Joshua 1:9 "... Be Strong and Be Courageous. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. For the Lord, your God, is God. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be with you wherever you go."
Happy Anniversary my dearest sweet heart.
In His Time,
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Birthday,Wedding Anniversary and Christmas all rolled into one!
Dear Family and Friends,
I gave Mom Miriam a late bath last night. As I finished brushing her teeth at 11pm (she knew since I told her), I said "now your teeth and mouth are quite fresh and clean". She replied with the most beautiful smile of acknowledgement and satisfaction. It was her only way of saying thank you.
I cried and I thanked her repeatedly for marrying me and for always giving her best (24-7) to everyone in her family and friends. I also told her how much we love her and appreciate all her sacrifices to me and our family. What an incredible "all rolled into one" gift for our family's upcoming birthdays (two in December and one in early January), 29th Wedding Anniversary and Christmas from Mom/ Miriam.
She knows, she hears and she feels. So all of you Prayer Warriors, continue to Pray without Ceasing!!!
In His Time,
Dad Alex
A Week in Huntsville
Note from Sally
Matthew and I have just returned home after spending a week with Miriam.
Whereas it is so hard to see her like this, we are grateful for every tiny sign of progress.
Miriam definitely gave a big smile the first day when she looked into her brothers' face and there were several occasions when she laughed ( appropriately) at our conversations!
We are grateful for the many friends she has who stop by and visit with her - these wonderful folks are making a difference in her recovery!
We are grateful for the staff at Big Springs who love Miriam and tenderly care for her.
We are so very grateful for Skype which allows our family to connect and visit with Miriam from all over the world.
The progress is slow; Miriam still cannot move, speak or eat, but we are grateful that there is progress!
Please continue to pray for our dear sister, that God will allow her to fully emerge from the coma and be able to follow commands so that she can return to the rehabilitation center.
Thank you for your faithful prayers! Don't stop!
We are so very grateful for each one of you who reads this and prays!
God Bless.................Sally
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thanksgiving Day
Dear Family and Friends,
Thanksgiving day was a very quiet and uneventful day.
I am very thankful that we are all safe and sound. Warren spent his thanksgiving with Grandma in Florida. Howie came home and was able to spend sometime with his mom. Howie got stuck in bad traffic on his way back to Birmingham, But is safely back in his dorm. Warren is also safely back in NYC.
I spent my entire day with the love of my life, my Miriam. What a blessing to see her and be with her. I talked to her and prayed with her. I continue to encourage her and try my best to lift her spirit. I always give her lots of hugs and kisses. Around 6pm, Howie and I had Thanksgiving Day dinner with Jason, Susan, Amanda and Justin. Susan has been visiting Miriam frequently and so has Vilma. Miriam has so many friends who love her and pray for her. Thank you all very much. I know Miriam would love to thank all of you personally but she remains unable to. Please take many rain checks from her. She loves all of you very much and she is trying her best to recover.
The day prior, a dear friend from Costco came to visit Miriam with her two children. Susan was here and said Miriam tried to talk to her. As her friend said a special prayer for her, Miriam became very emotional. I am quite certain Miriam was trying to thank her and probably wanted to give her a hug. She couldn't.
Below are some notes left in her guestbook written on 11/25/2011:
1. Miriam, I love you very much! I pray for you often. I cannot wait until we can go to Big Rosie's again for lunch - just us 2! I have hope and faith that God delivers miracles. You, dear, are truly a lovely woman. I actually found some early photos of you and your boys with us from many years ago that I will bring! I hope it cheers you up! God bless you. N.
2. Miriam! I'm so glad that I got to visit you before I go back to college. I have faith and hope that you will pull through this. You are such a beautiful, kind, caring woman, and you will be in my prayers. I will always remember that time you and your family were so warm to invite me, my mother, my dad and "C" to your beautiful house in Hampton Cove. I still have pictures for memories. May God bless you. J.
3. Hello Miriam. I'm so glad I could come and visit you today! I have so many wonderful memories of the time you had my mother, father, "J", and I over for a dinner at your home. When I think of you, I see a strong, beautiful, loving mother, friend and woman. I pray for you and a successful recovery. I remember I ran into you and your sweet mother at Stein Mart before Christmas last year and I still remember the warm and sweet comfort you embraced me with. I will come back and visit. May God bless you always. I love you very much. "C".
4. Miriam, my mom and I came to visit you today while I'm visiting for Thanksgiving. It was so good to see you again. I have fond memories of going out for lunch together and catching up. You always brightened my day. I remember the last time we went to lunch and you told me that it's important that the guy I date treats me like a princess. The guy I was dating then was not like that and we broke up shortly thereafter and I have since found a wonderful guy who really does treat me like a princess and makes me very happy. Thank you for the good advice!. love, "C".
Skype has been a tremendous blessing to us. We are able to group Skype video so Miriam is getting auditory and visual stimulations.
The mild increase in Baclofen has also improved her muscle tones in her lower extremities. This is according to her occupational therapist's opinion. She should know since she has been taking care of her since March of this year.
Thank you prayer warriors. We continue to wait for Miriam's functional recovery.
In His Time,
Saturday, November 12, 2011
10 Months since Jan 4th
Dear Family and Friends,
Miriam is being transitioned to maintenance therapy i.e. OT and PT are being handed over to the Restorative CNAs. Without progress in PT and OT, they feel it is unethical for them to continue. So this past week, I have been observing the director of OT training the Restorative CNAs. It has been a learning experience for me too. I took some video recording for family to learn how to take care of her.
When mom and Doris were here last week, Miriam attempted to laugh at funny stories and Skype conversations. She did that 3 days in a row. As a reminder to all of us and her visitors, Miriam hears and understands our conversation. Talk to her and keep encouraging her. Keep her updated on your family. She remembers all of you. Don't be discouraged when she attempts to make some sounds. One day, God will restore her speech.
Keep on praying and believing. Mark 11:24 Jesus speaking: " Therefore I tell you,whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours."
In His Time,
Dad Alex
Saturday, November 5, 2011
A Rainbow- God's Promises
Mike received news of how A.Miriam was laughing yesterday , this is his response:-
Amazing, just amazing! Yesterday Nikki snapped this photo of a rainbow. The quality of the photo doesn't do it justice. Following a massive downpour of wind and rain, this rainbow stretched out across the sky and captivated everyone's attention. I immediately thought of God's promise to Noah, and how he is always faithful to deliver on those promises. I began to go thru all the promises that our CREATOR made to us- it's really interesting to think that the God of the Universe made so many promises to us and it is comforting to know that he ALWAYS follows thru.
Take a minute to look at all the promises. This website lists just a few and has a nice song to help reinforce that. Promises of God
Take a minute to look at all the promises. This website lists just a few and has a nice song to help reinforce that. Promises of God
Auntie Miriam- we are so happy to see you smiling and laughing, we continue to pray for you everyday!! :)
Uncle Alex- we are always praying!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Letters to Miriam
Dear Miriam and Alex,
If we still lived in Knoxville, I would definitely come and visit you often. For now, we can only pray for you daily. Each time we see Alex' email it gives us much encouragement and hope. Thank God for Alex's faith in God; it is an encouragement and allows us to learn faith hope and love.
Do you remember when you visited us in Vancouver in 2004? Miriam gave me a watch. I think of you every morning when I put on my watch and I pray for you. In 1988 when you came to Knoxville Warren was only one year old. We came to your house every week for aerobics. Then you moved to Westmoreland and often invited us for BBQ dinner. You would take me to new restaurants as a treat and never let me pay.
We remember when Howie was born. Kids grow so fast. Both of your sons are smart, polite, kind and love God. You raised them with good values; they are two outstanding young men. When Howie left for college, he told his mom that he would never leave God....this touched my heart.Such a God-loving son must be blessed by God.
We had a period of good fellowship until you moved to Huntsville in 2000. Sometimes we still conversed by phone but you never let me make the long distance calls because you didn't want me to spend money. You are always considerate of others.Even though my English is poor, you were always patient with me.Mrs Huang stayed with you and you always told me how Alex loved his mother-in-law and both your sons honored their grandmother. You told me how Alex loved you and the boys and is a very good husband, but I know you love them even more. You washed and ironed Alex's shirts. Your house was always neat. You are such a good daughter, wife mother and friend. You often took care of us when we were sick and were always concerned about us. We thank God for friends like you and Alex.
You told me that Alex has a meeting in Seattle in 2013 and that you would visit at that time. We still look forward to your visit in 2013. Although both of our families have had hardships this year, we have also experienced God's Grace. We continue to lean on God.We often pray for Alex knowing that he is busy and tired with working and caring for you and the boys. It cannot be easy but we see his steadfast faithfulness and it is an encouragement.
Let us pray for each other.
May God Bless You
Love, Doris and Frank
Hi ‘te Miriam my feisty cousin ,
Its me Dennis. It's been so long. But I have to tell you that a part of you is in me. I’d really like for you to know your stay in Wack Wack was a very important part of my life. You stayed long enough to teach me to learn to love making music. Along with confidence and sticking to what you believe.
I feel you, somehow I’ve felt paralyzed all my life. Only my daughter and wife is saving me. I would not know what to do should something happen to them.
I have to try to become a new person for Dana and Ann . I have to forget old habits and learn from experience. It takes time and practice. Just like a baby learning to walk again. Just like learning the piano. It takes practice, practice , practice.
I used to watch you play the keyboards/piano. I’ve watched when you practice playing piano just for the sake of it, putting in the hours ( but still seeking perfection) and playing lovely as ever...however, I wait for those special times you play with such passion and emotion , I just knew that not only will there be no mistakes but you were somewhat in a different place. You would close your eyes sometimes and just keep playing, and the notes just keep coming out right, as if it were not you playing the piano but the piano playing you . You did not seem to be playing to win anymore, you seemed to be playing as if you had already won....anyway I told myself ‘practice’ if you want to play like that.
I stopped playing the piano after the music left Wack Wack. It really was a sad time. Never touched a keyboard since, always wondering the what if. But my daughter rekindled the interest. I envied the joy you must feel in giving that much, being able to play like that. I wanted to share that with Dana.
It was awkward at first. I had forgotten all the pieces and I never really learned to read...
So I practiced and practiced.
Now we (Ann, Dana and I) spend more quality time on the keyboards, concentrating on the love for the sound and the loving to play will follow. Now I can say I can play. We have fun side by side making our own music. Dana can read a bit (though formal training is still a must someday). I’ve learned, and the hard work was worth it.
Now I understand where and when you were during those times you seemed ‘somewhere else’. Sometimes it’s as if you were not the one playing . Dare I say the Holy Spirit takes over sometimes. I guess we can do that with anything we do....but practice, practice, practice...
You didn’t just teach me music ‘te Miriam, it was much more and it became a part of me I like. I’ll forever thank you for that. Now I’ll pass it on to my daughter. You have a lot of people who love you very much ‘te Miriam. Keep practicing!
Love always,
Monday, October 24, 2011
Testimony of Alex
The following is an article written by Alex in 1994 for the Knoxville Chinese Church Annual Book.
It is his testimony:
Thank You Lord!
I was not born into a Christian family, but I met Miriam who gave me the gospel tract "Have you heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?". People would give me gospel tracks, I accepted them but would quietly throw them in the trash. I remember hearing people getting saved say "I found it! " but like Nicodemus, I did not understand the words "born again". Because of God's grace, Miriam asked me to read the Four Spiritual Laws when I could read it quietly without distraction. I got SAVED the night I read the tiny powerful gospel tract. My outlook in life changed completely. I had joy and inner peace. My group of friends changed. I enjoyed reading the Bible everyday. God provided me friends that helped me grow spiritually. Friends, who had many trials and blessings in their lives, were living testimonies of God's awesome power and love. I have seen God completely heal people with serious illnesses through prayer. I have seen God stop the wind and rain for approximately five minutes so that a missionary plane (who flew in by faith despite the storm) could have just enough time to land and pick up a Christian patient. Yes, God is Creator of all things visible and invisible. He is a powerful living God.
Recently, I had surgery of a chronic problem due to scarring from previous surgery. It was difficult but I thank God for all your prayers because this gives me the opportunity to share Jesus Christ with my unsaved sister in the Northeast. I was able to answer her questions about Christianity. I cannot save my sister but God can and He will in His own time and place as He promised the jailer in Acts16:31.
Now Alex and Miriam and the boys are enduring a terrible storm and it is only the strength that comes from our Lord, and your prayers, that is sustaining them. Please continue to pray fervently for healing for Miriam and for encouragement daily for Alex and the boys.
As Alex wrote in his testimony 17 years ago, our God is a God of miracles and we pray , expecting a miracle for Miriam.
God Bless,
It is his testimony:
Thank You Lord!
I was not born into a Christian family, but I met Miriam who gave me the gospel tract "Have you heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?". People would give me gospel tracks, I accepted them but would quietly throw them in the trash. I remember hearing people getting saved say "I found it! " but like Nicodemus, I did not understand the words "born again". Because of God's grace, Miriam asked me to read the Four Spiritual Laws when I could read it quietly without distraction. I got SAVED the night I read the tiny powerful gospel tract. My outlook in life changed completely. I had joy and inner peace. My group of friends changed. I enjoyed reading the Bible everyday. God provided me friends that helped me grow spiritually. Friends, who had many trials and blessings in their lives, were living testimonies of God's awesome power and love. I have seen God completely heal people with serious illnesses through prayer. I have seen God stop the wind and rain for approximately five minutes so that a missionary plane (who flew in by faith despite the storm) could have just enough time to land and pick up a Christian patient. Yes, God is Creator of all things visible and invisible. He is a powerful living God.
Recently, I had surgery of a chronic problem due to scarring from previous surgery. It was difficult but I thank God for all your prayers because this gives me the opportunity to share Jesus Christ with my unsaved sister in the Northeast. I was able to answer her questions about Christianity. I cannot save my sister but God can and He will in His own time and place as He promised the jailer in Acts16:31.
Now Alex and Miriam and the boys are enduring a terrible storm and it is only the strength that comes from our Lord, and your prayers, that is sustaining them. Please continue to pray fervently for healing for Miriam and for encouragement daily for Alex and the boys.
As Alex wrote in his testimony 17 years ago, our God is a God of miracles and we pray , expecting a miracle for Miriam.
God Bless,
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Tuesday Oct 11th
Dear Family and Friends,
Mom/Miriam had a bigger smile this past weekend when I was on Skype with grandma. The smile was triggered by a trivial event which makes it terrific. She actually listens to our conversation and is able to process them. So Praise the Lord for that encouraging reaction.
In terms of functional recovery, we are still quite far from there. So, please continue to pray for functional recovery. Pray for quick healing of her right external ear canal - I cleaned her right external ear canal and accidentally scraped her skin and caused her to bleed. I have started her on an Otic suspension. Pray that she doesn't get an ear infection. I had my flu shot last week and she got hers the other day.
Thank you very much Susan and Vilma for your frequent visits. Miriam knows and appreciates both of you very much. Thank you also to all of you have sent her emails, cards, visited her and left notes in the guest book. I read them to her. Please feel free to respond in her blog. I also read them to her. The "little notes" may seem trivial. They are not. She needs to know and hear from her friends.
In His Time,
Sunday, October 2, 2011
A Message For Auntie Miriam-Sept 30th
Uncle Alex,
I thought that you might be able to read a message to Auntie Miriam for me... I do miss her and pray for her often. I also pray for you- that God will continue to give you strength and courage as you wait for His healing in Auntie Miriam's life. Just thought you should know that you have always been such a wonderful example and encouragement to me.
Auntie Miriam,
I have been thinking about you a lot lately and remembering many fun memories with you... I remember when our family took a vacation to see all of you in Knoxville... I remember watching the Last Emperor with Warren climbing all over Michael and me. We went fishing at the "crazy cricket" (or something like that) ( Jonathan, it was the Cross-Eyed Cricket!!), and I remember going to an all-you-can-eat ribs place for dinner. I also remember playing the piano with you. You taught Michael how to play James Bond, and you taught me how to play Indiana Jones. That is still one of my favorite vacations of all time!
Of course, I have plenty of fond memories of visiting you while I was at the Naval Academy... playing violin with my parents, eating lots of great food, going to the gym to play basketball, and just spending time with all of you. I always looked forward to seeing you guys- it was such a welcome rest and time of refreshment.
I'm looking forward to the day when I can introduce you to Kai... he is such a little character. He has a ton of energy and a wonderful personality. Eliana is growing up much too quickly- she started Kindergarten this year. Suzanna and I are settling in to Glendora... it will take me about 2 1/2 more years to finish seminary, and then I am hoping to become a chaplain in the Navy. But we are enjoying a lot of time with my parents while we are here.
I miss you, I love you, and I am praying for a full recovery.
Love, Jonathan
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sunday Sept 25th
Miriam planting her beautiful flowers with love and joy!
Dear Family and Friends,
Miriam had one episode of a low grade fever yesterday afternoon. ( 100 degrees). Thank the Lord she has been afebrile today......no idea where that came from.
I do not have much to report since it has been an uneventful 2 weeks.
Please continue to pray unceasingly for my dear Miriam.
Thank you, Joyce for this thoughtful comment which means so much to me and I know others will also appreciate ;
"We love Miriam......we give praise for everything, every event which is FILTERED THROUGH HIS LOVE. We remain joyful, prayerful, hopeful and thankful."
In His Time,
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Further Encouragement!
Dear Family and Friends,
Mom/Miriam did a very unusual response last night. Her dear friend Vilma was in the room and I was explaining to her how funny Miriam is.
I began telling her about one of our morning prayers that occurred in the early 80's. As a background, we had visited charismatic churches in the past and mom/miriam has this knack about remembering just about anything. She began to pray the heavenly language of "speaking in tongues". Her eyes were closed and I became very concerned. I shook her body and asked her if she was okay. She ignored me and went on "speaking in tongues". This went on for a prolonged period of time. I kept shaking her body to snap her out of that trance. Then she slowly opened one eye and looked at me with the "I got you look". She laughed so hard and so did I!
As I was telling this story to Vilma, suddenly Miriam began to laugh again with some sounds. This was much more than the previous blog update. We couldn't hold back our tears. Miriam definitely hears and understands our conversation. Her memory remains intact. She remembered this event that occurred more than 27 years ago.
So, dear family and friends. Please talk to her. Keep her updated about your lives. Share with her everything that you can. She hears, she understands and she remembers.
In His Time,
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Another Encouraging Smile!
Dear Family and Friends,
Another exciting smile from Miriam this evening. I was "skyping" with Doris and mom. Doris was reminding Miriam how she always looked after her from the day they lost their dad. I told Doris that Miriam has mentioned to me several times about how she threatened to punch any kids who tried to bully her. Miriam gave a big and long smile. Her smile lasted for approximately 30 secs, enough time to take a quick picture. PTL.
I just finished giving her a full bath with CNA assist.. She loves her bath.
Frequent skypes or face time with our boys and her siblings have been very helpful.
Got some beautiful flowers for my beautiful wife.When I held them in front of her to show them to her, she turned her head to look at them. She knows!
In His Time,
Another exciting smile from Miriam this evening. I was "skyping" with Doris and mom. Doris was reminding Miriam how she always looked after her from the day they lost their dad. I told Doris that Miriam has mentioned to me several times about how she threatened to punch any kids who tried to bully her. Miriam gave a big and long smile. Her smile lasted for approximately 30 secs, enough time to take a quick picture. PTL.
I just finished giving her a full bath with CNA assist.. She loves her bath.
Frequent skypes or face time with our boys and her siblings have been very helpful.
Got some beautiful flowers for my beautiful wife.When I held them in front of her to show them to her, she turned her head to look at them. She knows!
In His Time,
Sunday, August 21, 2011
An Interesting Interlude
Dear Family,
Something very interesting occurred last night. Miriam was on Skype with Grandma/mom . Grandma was trying to encourage Miriam by singing Christian songs. The singing was so "bad" and Miriam reacted by "laughing/smiling" then she coughed. Mom/Miriam always laughed and coughed when she reacted to something so funny. It was a quick "smile/laugh" reaction but very real. There is no doubt in my mind that she knows what is going on.
The other night, I had another dream that mom/Miriam was sitting up in her bed. She was putting on her make-up with her beautiful signature smile. She was also laughing and chatting with Doris. Let us all pray and make that dream a reality soon.
In His Time,
Friday, August 12, 2011
August 12 -Just over 7 months
Dear Family and Friends,
Mom/Miriam has been having unexpected intermittent contact dermatitis. She developed skin rash in her face and chest. The last time this occurred, it was due to the hospital gown. The rash disappeared five minutes after changing her into her own clothes. This second rash has been more troubling and difficult to pin point. I think it is a combination of hospital gown/sheets/towels/washcloth AND her Aveeno Baby Bath Liquid Soap. This evening, she developed another facial rash. This happened 1 hour or so after giving her a full bath. I am thankful to the Lord that I went back to see her after dinner. I happen to use Aveeno to wipe and clean her face. I did that last week and she had the same redness to her face. It cleared after wiping her face with plain drinking water. I will continue to watch and observe her.
I have some good news. The areas of skin breakdowns are completely gone and her intermittent lower GI bleeding has resolved. She has not developed urinary tract infection since March.
Miriam remains more wakeful and has been making some sounds. No words just sounds. I remain hopeful that God will one day restore her to complete physical restoration and neurological recovery. Mark 11:24 " Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you."
Doris, Jim and Mom came to visit Miriam for a week and they helped Howie move into his college dorm this evening. Howie went to see his mom and to say goodbye to her. It was a an emotional moment. He thanked mom/Miriam and told her that he will never depart from the Lord. He shared Psalm 68:5 with us because we are all thankful to have a God who is described us "a father of the fatherless, a defender of widows". Miriam lost her dad at age 4 and the Lord has been her heavenly Father all these years. He has never abandoned her and He will never turn His back on her and her family.
Thank you for your unceasing prayers and patience.
In His Time,
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
A Smile For Alex
Dear Family,
I went to see Mom/Miriam after work yesterday afternoon. Her friend Anna was in the room talking to her. Anna was so excited to see me. She wanted to share exciting news about Miriam. She told Miriam that her husband Alex loves her and cares for her so much. Mom/Miriam responded with a big smile:-) I asked Anna if she was absolutely certain that it was a smile. She said yes. I asked Miriam to smile again but she was unable to, but I look forward to seeing her beautiful smile.
When Mom/Miriam was in Atlanta's Shepherd Center, a few nurses and therapists have witnessed her open both eyes. I was never able to see her do that until we came back home. This is a very good baby step and hopefully her smile will increase in frequency.
In His Time,
Monday, July 25, 2011
July 25, 2011
Dear Family,
Progress has been very slow and very little to report. Mom/Miriam loves getting a full bath. After each bath, she just falls asleep. So, the weekend has been very quiet and restful for her. I thank God for that.
I have asked her to repeat the word "hello" but no success. However, she seems to make more frequent feeble sounds.
We continue to wait patiently upon the Lord. Hebrews 11:27 " By faith he ( Moses) left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured, as seeing Him who is unseen." The world says that "seeing is believing," but God wants us to believe in order to see.
Please continue to uphold mom/Miriam in your daily prayers.
In His Time,
Friday, July 8, 2011
How Wonderful!
Dear Prayer Warriors,
It is not easy to go on each day seeing very little change , but every now and then God gives us proof that He is still there, He cares very much and He loves Miriam!
Last night as the nurse was feeding Miriam, she clearly heard her say, "Hello!" PTL!
Miriam has not repeated this since but it is one more step forward and we Praise God for this. Although she has not said an actual word since last night, she is trying to make sounds.....we are so grateful for each baby step forward!
Thank you for praying!
God Bless
Love, Sally
It is not easy to go on each day seeing very little change , but every now and then God gives us proof that He is still there, He cares very much and He loves Miriam!
Last night as the nurse was feeding Miriam, she clearly heard her say, "Hello!" PTL!
Miriam has not repeated this since but it is one more step forward and we Praise God for this. Although she has not said an actual word since last night, she is trying to make sounds.....we are so grateful for each baby step forward!
Thank you for praying!
God Bless
Love, Sally
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
July 4th----Six Month Mark
Dear Warren, Howie, Family & Friends,
Mom/Miriam remains wakeful several times in a day and remains unable to follow commands. She also sleeps a lot but being more wakeful several times in a day is fantastic. Yesterday, a friend who has been visiting her told Miriam how much her husband and family love her. Miriam responded by crying. This dear friend has been giving her massages (acupressure) in her eyebrows and ears. She responds by becoming more relaxed. As always, I visit her late in the day, after my work hours. I talk to her a lot and pray with her everyday....a special time for us.
She has had some mild infection in her bladder due to presence of indwelling catheter. She is, however, asymptomatic and will not require antibiotic treatment.Per recommendation from her Urologist, I am now irrigating her bladder once a week.Whatever I can do to care for her.
Overall, Mom/Miriam is still stable. Thank you for your love and prayers. Please do not give up praying for her.
In His Time,
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